BC: What initially drew you to finance, and what continues to inspire you in your role as CFO of BetComply?

MH: I was always very good with numbers and problem-solving, so it was probably a case of me following what you are best at. I did an economics degree and planned to continue down that route, but when the opportunity came to qualify as an accountant, it felt like the best option.

BC: How do you approach the challenge of balancing financial responsibilities with the company’s overall strategic vision?

MH: Starting a company from scratch certainly has its challenges, and you have to do things differently than established companies. Managing risk is difficult, as the more you look to grow and the quicker you grow, the riskier that can be. However, in BetComply, we are all aligned well regarding when and how to achieve our goals. We want long-term success and are happy to put in the work.

BC: As a member of the management team, how do you foster collaboration and alignment across different departments within the organisation?

MH: I think we have great trust and respect for each other at BetComply. Finance will always be a back-office function, but I look to ensure that when decisions are made as a team or within a department, everyone has the facts and figures and knows how that decision will impact the business. If I can keep the team up to speed, I trust that, as a management team, we will make the right call on different departmental decisions.

BC: What do you enjoy most about working at BetComply?

MH: It’s tough one this. The people I work alongside are great, have a good laugh, and are incredibly talented, but I also enjoy the company’s potential. Not knowing how quickly we will grow or what will land next, it’s exciting times…

BC: What advice would you give to others aspiring to a career in finance or aiming for a leadership role like yours?

MH: Accountancy is a very mapped-out career path with no shortcuts. You must be willing to put in the hours, especially early in your career. Make sure you are surrounded by people you are learning from, doing work that will allow you to develop, and over time, you will see yourself progress. Once you do, there are some great jobs out there.

BC: What are your favourite hobbies or activities that help you unwind and recharge outside of work?

MH: I watch many sports — anything, really: football, cricket, rugby, F1, and Darts. I also have 3 young kids, which is good fun. I coach my lads’ football team and am about to take on my daughter’s under-7s team next season. I’m not sure what I am signing myself up for!

BC: If you could have a dinner party with historical figures, dead or alive, who would you invite and why?

MH: Ha, I like a historical war film so I would be happy with most historical figures; it would be mad to hear how they lived all those years ago. Alexander the Great must have a few stories to tell…

BC: Finally, tell us your best joke…

MH: So a man and a giraffe walk into a bar and end up getting really drunk on bottles of champagne and shots of tequila. The giraffe is so drunk that he falls asleep. The man gets up and walks out; the barman says to the man, ‘ Oi, you can’t leave that lyin’ there’. The man replies, ‘That’s not a lion… it’s a giraffe!’